ERGOTRON Arm, 9" EXTENSION, LX, STIFFENED, Polished Aluminum, prodluž. rameno

ERGOTRON Arm, 9'' extension prodlužovací rameno, LX Redesign, Polished Aluminum Increases the reach of an LX Arm Polished aluminum metal construction offers greater durability and enhanced aesthetics Adds another pivot-point for more adjustment flexi


Názov Hodnota
GPSR:  Ergotron Computer Mounting Solutions Europe;Stationsstraat 77 H,3811MH,Amersfoort,Netherlands;

Podrobnosti o produkte

ERGOTRON Arm, 9" EXTENSION, LX, STIFFENED, Polished Aluminum, prodluž. rameno

Popis produktu:

ERGOTRON Arm, 9'' extension prodlužovací rameno, LX Redesign, Polished Aluminum

Increases the reach of an LX Arm
Polished aluminum metal construction offers greater durability and enhanced aesthetics
Adds another pivot-point for more adjustment flexibility
Cable management feature routes cables under the arm, out of the way
Tech Specs
Part Number: 45-289-026 (formerly 45-244-026)
Description: LX Extension (polished aluminum)
Only one additional extension is allowed per LX configuration; not recommended for use with LX Dual Desk Mount Arms (45-245-026, 45-248-026)
IMPORTANT: Adding this extension to your mount may reduce its weight capacity. When used with the LX Desk Mount Arm (45-241-026), weight capacity is reduced to 18 lbs (8.1 kg); when used with the LX HD Wall Mount Swing Arm (45-268-026), weight capacity is reduced to 36 lbs (16.4 kg)
Shipping Dimensions: 12"H x 4"W x 2.3"D (31 x 10 x 6 cm)
Shipping Weight: 1.5 lbs (.6 kg)

Stránky o produkte:


Riešenie reklamácií


Tento produkt na reklamáciu zasielajte priamo k nám: SWS Distribution a.s., Studená 5 (vchod z Krajnej ul.), 821 04 Bratislava, Tel: 02 / 48200521, Fax: 02 / 48200599, E-mail:, Web: Pre uplatnenie reklamácie je potrebné spolu s vadným produktom zaslať popis vady produktu, nákupný doklad a záručný list. Reklamovaný kus bude následne zaslaný do autorizovaného servisu, pretože SWS Distribution a.s. servis na danom produkte priamo nevykonáva. 


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