ERGOTRON LX Sit-Stand Keyboard Arm, POLISHED, flexibilní držák na zeď pro klávesnici a myš
PODĽA KATEGÓRIE: | Počítačové príslušenstvo / Príslušenstvo PC/Notebooky / Klávesnice a myši / Príslušenstvo | ||
PODĽA VÝROBCU: | ERGOTRON / Špeciálne držiaky a závesné systémy | ||
Status | TOP produkt | ||
Kód: | 120168 | ||
Part No.: | 45-354-026 | ||
EAN Kód: | 0698833028690 | ||
Výrobca: |
ERGOTRON , www |
Váš obchodník: | Prosím, priháste sa! | ||
Produkt manager: | Prosím, priháste sa! | ||
Riešenie reklamácií | Podrobnosti nájdete tu. | ||
Dostupnosť produktu | Zistiť fyzický stav skladu | ||
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Podrobnosti o produkte
Popis produktu:
ERGOTRON LX Sit-Stand Keyboard Arm, POLISHED, flexibilní držák na zeď pro klávesnici a myš
Effortlessly position a keyboard to the most comfortable typing position, while seated or standing.
The LX provides a very stable platform for a keyboard and mouse—tested to be 3x more rigid than other keyboard arms! The tray’s adjustment mechanism allows the surface to be perfectly level no matter where the keyboard is positioned.
20-inch (51 cm) height range allows users to move between sitting and standing positions during data entry
Extends keyboard up to 42" (107 cm); fold the keyboard back out of the way when not in use
Ergonomic back-tilt keyboard tray ensures wrists remain in a neutral position during data entry—avoid repetitive-stress injuries while increasing comfort and productivity
Mouse tray slides out to left or right, depending on user preference
Patented CF motion technology provides premium ease-of-use adjustment
Cable management feature routes cables under the arm, out of the way
Ideal for space-constrained spaces—folds to within 5.8" (15 cm) of wall in storage position
Secure installation—locking connections between arm, extension and base
Passes Ergotron’s 10,000-cycle motion test, which ensures a minimum of five years trouble-free height adjustment
Part Number: 45-354-026
Description: LX Sit-Stand Wall Mount Keyboard Arm (polished aluminum)
Includes LX sit-stand arm, extension, wall-mount base, keyboard tray, slide-out mouse tray, wrist rest, mouse holder
Arm can be used with or without the extension
Quality Tested: 10,000-cycle test applied to lift mechanism, ensuring years of trouble-free height adjustment
† When in down position, tray features a back-tilt of 5°; folds upright 90° in storage position
** Rotation Stop on wall-mount base limits turn of extension-base connection to 180°, preventing extension from contacting wall
Mounting Options: Attaches directly to sturdy vertical surfaces. Where applicable, install to wood stud. Also attaches to Wall Plate, or to Wall Track using bracket 97-091 (order separately)
Fasteners for direct attachment to wood/metal studs or concrete surface are not included—customer supplied
Base includes theft-deterrent anchor holes for cable locks
NOTE: Computer systems mounted on this product may require extra long USB, power or video cables in order to span between standing and sitting heights
Product Weight: 14.4 lbs (6.5 kg)
Shipping Dimensions: 22.4" x 13.7" x 7.8" (57 x 35 x 20 cm)
Shipping Weight: 17.1 lbs (7.8 kg)
Stránky o produkte: