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Advantage Ultra Service Plan



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APC (1) Year Advantage Ultra Service for (1) Galaxy 300 10 - 15 kVA UPS

The Advantage Ultra Service provides CPCS certified technicians at the customer’s location within a specified period of time to diagnose, repair, and test the system in the event of failure. All related labor, travel and parts are included with the serv


APC (1) Year Advantage Ultra Service Plan for (1) Galaxy 3500 or SUVT 10-15 kVA UPS

The Advantage Ultra Service provides CPCS certified technicians at the customer’s location within a specified period of time to diagnose, repair, and test the system in the event of failure. All related labor, travel and parts are included with the


APC (1) Year Advantage Ultra Service Plan for (1) Galaxy 3500 or SUVT 30 kVA UPS

The Advantage Ultra Service provides CPCS certified technicians at the customer’s location within a specified period of time to diagnose, repair, and test the system in the event of failure. All related labor, travel and parts are included with the serv


APC (1) Year Advantage Ultra Service Plan for (1) Galaxy 3500 or SUVT 40 kVA UPS

The Advantage Ultra Service provides CPCS certified technicians at the customer’s location within a specified period of time to diagnose, repair, and test the system in the event of failure. All related labor, travel and parts are included with the serv


APC (1) Year Advantage Ultra Service Plan for (1) Galaxy 5000 40 to 80 kVA UPS

The Advantage Ultra Service provides CPCS certified technicians at the customer’s location within a specified period of time to diagnose, repair, and test the system in the event of failure. All related labor, travel and parts are included with the


APC (1) Year Advantage Ultra Service Plan for (1) Galaxy 5000/5500 81 to 130 kVA UPS

The Advantage Ultra Service provides CPCS certified technicians at the customer’s location within a specified period of time to diagnose, repair, and test the system in the event of failure. All related labor, travel and parts are included with the se


APC (1) Year Advantage Ultra Service Plan for (1) Symmetra PX 48k or 64k160H

The Advantage Ultra Service provides CPCS certified technicians at the customer’s location within a specified period of time to diagnose, repair, and test the system in the event of failure. All related labor, travel and parts are included with the se


APC 1letý servisní plán Advantage Ultra pro (1) Galaxy VS 10 až 15 kVA UPS

1letý servisní plán Advantage Ultra pro (1) Galaxy VS 10-15 kVA UPS Komplexní balíky služeb, které umožňují navrhovat pokrytí potřebné k efektivnímu provozu vašeho řešení, minimalizovat výpadky a udržovat náklady pod kontrolou


APC Roční servisní plán Advantage Ultra pro (1) Easy UPS 3S 10–15 kVA UPS

(1) Roční servisní plán Advantage Ultra pro (1) Easy UPS 3S 10–15 kVA UPS Komplexní balíky služeb, které umožňují navrhovat pokrytí potřebné k efektivnímu provozu vašeho řešení, minimalizovat výpadky a udržovat náklady pod kontrolou








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Vysvetlivky: Na ceste

Farby: Čierna = V cenníku; Modrá = Novinka; Oranžová = Výpredaj sklad.zásob; Červená = Akciový produkt; Zelená = Znížená cena; Fialová = Veľmi dôležitý produkt; Šedá = Dopredaj (koniec výroby); Zelená = Volať PM; Tyrkysová = Obmedzená dostupnosť; Oranžová = Mimoriadny výpredaj; Tmavorůžově = Cena do vypredania; Modrozeleně = Cena na dotaz; černá = R.I.P.; Zelená = Ukončená výroba; Zelená = Repas; = Promo special ;


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