ERGOTRON Neo-Flex Mobile MediaCentre Cart LD - mobilní stojan pro LCD 27" až 55"

PODĽA KATEGÓRIE: Monitory a projekčné zariadenia / Príslušenstvo / Stojany, držiaky, konzoly / Mobilné
Status TOP produkt   
Kód: 111234  
Part No.: 24-190-085  
EAN Kód: 0698833009767  


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Dostupnosť produktu  Zistiť fyzický stav skladu
ERGOTRON Neo-Flex Mobile MediaCentre Cart LD - mobilní stoj Pro monitory se standardem VESA: MIS-F - Horizontální rozpětí 200mm nebo 400mm nebo 600mm Vertikální rozpětí 200mm ne


Názov Hodnota
GPSR:  Ergotron Computer Mounting Solutions Europe;Stationsstraat 77 H,3811MH,Amersfoort,Netherlands;

Podrobnosti o produkte

ERGOTRON Neo-Flex Mobile MediaCentre Cart LD - mobilní stojan pro LCD 27" až 55"

Popis produktu:

ERGOTRON Neo-Flex Mobile MediaCentre Cart LD - mobilní stojan pro LCD 27" až 55"

pro obrazovky velikosti 27" - 60" a váhy 11.3–22.7 kg

Part Number: 24-190-085
Product Weight: 81.3
Shipping Weight: 99.6
Description: Neo-Flex Mobile MediaCenter LD, Light Duty (black)
Includes cart, display assembly, lower main shelf, 4-inch (10 cm) casters (two locking), rear cable shelf, cable channel kit
Complies with UL Tip Standards 1667 and 1678
Rugged plastic-composite shelf conveniently attaches to cart at any height
Modular cable channel system is adaptable for various wiring configurations
Add the MMC Camera Shelf Kit to place adjustable camera shelf above the display (ordered separately); shelf is not compatible with the NF MMC LD, 24-190-057, when using the optional small LCD monitor pivot (includes 75 mm and 100 mm mounting holes), which is typically used with 25 lbs (11. 4 kg) to 36 lbs (16.3 kg) displays. As an alternative, the NF WideView cart, 24-189-055, does accommodate this size monitor and a camera shelf
CPUs attach safely to rear of cart with Universal CPU Holder accessory (ordered separately). Compatible with CPU sizes from 12" H x 3" D to 18" H x 8.5" D (30 x 8 cm to 46 x 22 cm)
‡ Listed screen size represents typical size of display used with this cart. However, weight of display and its VESA hole pattern—not its screen size—are the determining factors for compatibility
† Weight Capacity: display = 25–50 lbs (11.4–22.7 kg) or 25–36 lbs (11.3–16 kg) when using smaller VESA interface (see Dimensional Illustrations for details); main shelf = 30 lbs (13.6 kg); cable shelf = 5 lbs (2.2 kg)
* Mounting Hole Patterns (larger VESA interface): Horizontal measurement = 100 mm, 200 mm, 300 mm, 400 mm, 500 mm or 600 mm. Vertical measurement = 100mm, 200 mm or 225 mm to 400 mm
* Mounting Hole Patterns (smaller VESA interface): 75 x 75 mm, 100 x 100 mm, 200 x 100 mm, 100 x 200 mm, 200 x 200 mm
** Tilt Range: 30° when using smaller VESA interface or 20° when using larger VESA interface (see Dimensional Illustrations for details)
Shipping Dimensions: 66"L x 20"H x 14"D (168 x 50 x 33.5 cm)

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Tento produkt na reklamáciu zasielajte priamo k nám: SWS Distribution a.s., Studená 5 (vchod z Krajnej ul.), 821 04 Bratislava, Tel: 02 / 48200521, Fax: 02 / 48200599, E-mail:, Web: Pre uplatnenie reklamácie je potrebné spolu s vadným produktom zaslať popis vady produktu, nákupný doklad a záručný list. Reklamovaný kus bude následne zaslaný do autorizovaného servisu, pretože SWS Distribution a.s. servis na danom produkte priamo nevykonáva. 


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