Kensington bezpečnostní zámek ClickSafe™ pro notebooky - master klíč
PODĽA KATEGÓRIE: | Počítačové príslušenstvo / Príslušenstvo PC/Notebooky / Zámky na notebooky | ||
PODĽA VÝROBCU: | Kensington / HW zabezpečenie NB a PC (secure it) / Zámky pre prenosné počítače / zákaznícke riešenie | ||
Status | Tovar na objednávku | ||
Kód: | 516943 | ||
Part No.: | K64639M | ||
EAN Kód: | 5028252332392 | ||
Výrobca: |
Kensington , www |
Váš obchodník: | Prosím, priháste sa! | ||
Produkt manager: | Prosím, priháste sa! | ||
Záruka pre firmy: | 0 Doživotne | ||
Záruka pre fyz. os.: | 0 Doživotne | ||
Riešenie reklamácií | Podrobnosti nájdete tu. | ||
Dostupnosť produktu | Zistiť fyzický stav skladu | ||
Možno objednať v množstve minimálne 25ks alebo jeho násobkoch |
Riešenie reklamácií
Tento produkt na reklamáciu zasielajte priamo k nám: SWS Distribution a.s., Studená 5 (vchod z Krajnej ul.), 821 04 Bratislava, Tel: 02 / 48200521, Fax: 02 / 48200599, E-mail:, Web: Pre uplatnenie reklamácie je potrebné spolu s vadným produktom zaslať popis vady produktu, nákupný doklad a záručný list. Reklamovaný kus bude následne zaslaný do autorizovaného servisu, pretože SWS Distribution a.s. servis na danom produkte priamo nevykonáva.
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Obchodné oddelenie
8:30 - 17:00Produktoví manažéri
8:30 - 17:00Pokladňa
8:30 - 17:00Reklamačné oddelenie
8:30 - 17:00Osobné odbery
8:30 - 17:00
Podrobnosti o produkte
Popis produktu:
The ClickSafe™ lock has been engineered to deliver strength and ease of use. A keyless locking motion makes the employees’ role in protecting your business easy. All they have to do is ‘click’ it on and your business is safe. Kensington ClickSafe™ locks are constructed from the strongest materials to deliver the best security available from a cable laptop lock. A high carbon steel cable, all metal lockhead and rigorous real-world testing against lock-picking, corrosion, tampering and for a lifetime in excess of 10,000 key turns means that you can rest assured that ease of use is delivered without jeopardising integral strength. Quality is ensured by deploying the same manufacturing processes as used for surgical instruments. Organisations invest in physical security to protect themselves against network attacks, the cost of lost productivity and broken reputations. A physical lock is an investment that pays back every time it’s used.
Master Keyed Laptop Locks
Give individual employees the power to protect their laptops. Personal locks let employees work on- or off-site and protect laptops no matter where they do business—in a conference room, home office or in the airport. With a master key, your IT staff retains universal access to unlock any piece of equipment for upgrades, relocation or replacement. Master keys also offer a quick and easy solution for misplaced or lost keys requiring new locks.
Open any lock in your physical security system, even if an employee has lost their individual key. Manage and maintain a limitless number of locks with a master key. Perform upgrades, relocate equipment or accommodate personnel changes with an easy, efficient master key solution. Maintain productivity, even in the event of lost or misplaced keys. A master key solution enables easy replacement of an entire physical security solution without interrupting work.
* ClickSafe’s™ keyless locking mechanism helps increase employee compliance. There’s no excuse for computers and data being left unprotected
* ClickSafe™ lockhead pivots 180° and rotates a full 360° around the cable for flexibility and convenience
* 12.7mm low profile lockhead ensures compatibility with thin laptops
* Tamper-proof disk-style lock combined with superior materials provide near impenetrable protection
* Super-strong 5mm thick and 1500mm long steel cable provides the strongest physical security on the market
* Protects you hardware by attaching itself to the Kensington Security Anchor which connects to the Kensington Security Slot found in 99% of laptops
* Online key code registration and replacement service Spare key included
* Key Different, Twin and Single Keyed options available
POZNÁMKA : Zákaznická řešení s Master či Single klíčem jsou vyráběna přímo "na míru" a proto je jejich minimální objednací zboží 25 kusů !!!
Stránky o produkte:™+laptop+lock+-+master+k