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CyberPower prodloužení záruky o 5 let pro OLS3000ERT2UA

CyberPower Extra 60 months (five years) warranty OLS3000ERT2UA CyberPower prodloužení záruky o 5 let pro OLS3000ERT2UA Rozšíření záruky o 5 let (jen elektronika) - celkem záruka 7 let od vystavení fa v CyberPower Standard warranty: 2 years on elect


CyberPower prodloužení záruky o 5 let pro OR1500ERM1U

CyberPower Extra 60 months (five years) warranty OR1500ERM1U CyberPower prodloužení záruky o 5 let pro OR1500ERM1U Rozšíření záruky o 5 let (jen elektronika) - celkem záruka 7 let od vystavení fa v CyberPower Standard warranty: 2 years on electroni


APC (1) Stand Alone PM Visit for (1) UPS 151 to 500 kVA

Stand Alone Preventive Maintenance or Recertification Visit for (1) UPS up to 40 kVA UPS


APC (1) Year Advantage Prime Service Plan for (1) Galaxy 3500 or SUVT 10-15 kVA UPS

1.1 ANNUAL PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE VISIT Included as part of the Galaxy & Smart-UPS VT / AIS3000 Advantage Prime Service, the annual preventive maintenance visit provides a comprehensive visual, environmental and electronic inspection of the Galaxy or Sma


APC (1) Year Advantage Prime Service Plan for (1) Galaxy 5000/5500 81 to 130 kVA UPS

The Advantage Prime Service provides CPCS certified technicians at the customer’s location within a specified period of time to diagnose, repair, and test the system in the event of failure. All labor and travel costs are included; parts are available a


APC (1) Year Advantage Prime Service Plan for (1) Symmetra PX 48k or 64k160H

The Advantage Prime Service provides CPCS certified technicians at the customer’s location within a specified period of time to diagnose, repair, and test the system in the event of failure. All labor and travel costs are included; parts are availab


APC (1) Year Advantage Prime Service Plan for (1) Symmetra PX UPS 40kVA 40 and/or PDU

The Advantage Prime Service provides CPCS certified technicians at the customer’s location within a specified period of time to diagnose, repair, and test the system in the event of failure. All labor and travel costs are included; parts are availab


APC (1) Year Advantage Ultra Service for (1) Galaxy 300 10 - 15 kVA UPS

The Advantage Ultra Service provides CPCS certified technicians at the customer’s location within a specified period of time to diagnose, repair, and test the system in the event of failure. All related labor, travel and parts are included with the serv


APC (1) Year Advantage Ultra Service Plan for (1) Galaxy 3500 or SUVT 10-15 kVA UPS

The Advantage Ultra Service provides CPCS certified technicians at the customer’s location within a specified period of time to diagnose, repair, and test the system in the event of failure. All related labor, travel and parts are included with the


APC (1) Year Advantage Ultra Service Plan for (1) Galaxy 3500 or SUVT 30 kVA UPS

The Advantage Ultra Service provides CPCS certified technicians at the customer’s location within a specified period of time to diagnose, repair, and test the system in the event of failure. All related labor, travel and parts are included with the serv


APC (1) Year Advantage Ultra Service Plan for (1) Galaxy 3500 or SUVT 40 kVA UPS

The Advantage Ultra Service provides CPCS certified technicians at the customer’s location within a specified period of time to diagnose, repair, and test the system in the event of failure. All related labor, travel and parts are included with the serv


APC (1) Year Advantage Ultra Service Plan for (1) Galaxy 5000 40 to 80 kVA UPS

The Advantage Ultra Service provides CPCS certified technicians at the customer’s location within a specified period of time to diagnose, repair, and test the system in the event of failure. All related labor, travel and parts are included with the


APC (1) Year Advantage Ultra Service Plan for (1) Galaxy 5000/5500 81 to 130 kVA UPS

The Advantage Ultra Service provides CPCS certified technicians at the customer’s location within a specified period of time to diagnose, repair, and test the system in the event of failure. All related labor, travel and parts are included with the se


APC (1) Year Advantage Ultra Service Plan for (1) Symmetra PX 48k or 64k160H

The Advantage Ultra Service provides CPCS certified technicians at the customer’s location within a specified period of time to diagnose, repair, and test the system in the event of failure. All related labor, travel and parts are included with the se


APC (1) Year On-Site Warranty Extension Service Plan for (1) Galaxy 3500 or SUVT External Battery Frame

(1) Year On-Site Warranty Extension Service Plan for (1) Galaxy 3500 or SUVT External Battery Frame The On-Site Warranty Extension extends the standard factory warranty coverage of the UPS and/or PDU. In addition to on-site remedial repairs covered dur


APC (1) Year On-Site Warranty Extension Srvc for up to (4) Internal Batteries for (1) G3500 or SUVT UPS

1 Year On-Site Warranty Extension for (1) Galaxy 3500 or SUVT 10-15 kVA UPS The On-Site Warranty Extension extends the standard factory warranty coverage of the UPS and/or PDU. In addition to on-site remedial repairs covered during the factory warranty p


APC (1) Yr On-Site Warranty Extension Service for up to (2) Internal Batteries for (1) G3500 or SUVT UPS

1 Year On-Site Warranty Extension for (1) Galaxy 3500 or SUVT 10-15 kVA UPS The On-Site Warranty Extension extends the standard factory warranty coverage of the UPS and/or PDU. In addition to on-site remedial repairs covered during the factory warranty p


APC (2) Služba ročního prodloužení záruky na místě pro internní baterie pro (1) Symmetra PX 20-40k UPS

(2) Služba ročního prodloužení záruky na místě pro internní baterie pro (1) Symmetra PX 20-40k UPS


APC (2) Year On-Site Warranty Extension Srvc for up to (4) Internal Batteries for (1) G3500 or SUVT UPS

2 Year On-Site Warranty Extension for (1) Galaxy 3500 or SUVT 30 kVA UPS Next Business day onsite response - Upgrades to 8 Hr & 4 Hr available for all 3P Power, PDU and Cooling Includes parts, labour & travel Annual Inspection Visit* Available in


APC 1 leté rozšíření záruky na místě pro (1) vysoký modulární bateriový rám Galaxy Vs až s 9 bateriovými moduly

(1)leté rozšíření záruky na místě pro (1) vysoký modulární bateriový rám Galaxy Vs až s 9 bateriovými moduly Komplexní balíky služeb, které umožňují navrhovat pokrytí potřebné k efektivnímu provozu vašeho řešení, minimalizovat výpadky a udržovat náklady


APC 1 Year 7x24 Telephone Technical Support

Matrix, Smart-UPS DP, Symmetra


APC 1 Year Extended Warranty (Renewal or High Volume)

například pro SURT10000XLI, SURT10000RMXLI


APC 1 Year Extended Warranty for Li-Ion Smart-UPS L14

1 Year Extended Warranty for Li-Ion Smart-UPS L14 Prodloužení záruky lze zakoupit pouze po dobu platnosti záruky Pro objednání této služby jsou nutné údaje o UPS Part Number: Serial number (výrobní číslo): a údaje o koncovém uživateli: END USE


APC 1 Year NBD 1P Advantage Plan for Smart-UPS 5K-7K

1 Roční plán 1P Advantage servisu provedeného následující pracovní den pro Smart-UPS 5K-7K


APC 1 Year NBD 1P Advantage Plan for Smart-UPS 8K-10K

Obecné vlastnosti Zkušený certifikovaný terénní servisní pracovník Naši terénní servisní pracovníci jsou důkladně vyškoleni v oblasti všeobecně uznávaných bezpečných postupů a elektrických standardů i našich vlastních směrnic, takže mohou zákazníkům nab


APC 1 Year NBD 1P Advantage Plan for Symmetra

The Advantage Plus Service provides Schneider Electric CPCS certified technicians at the customer’s location within a specified period of time to diagnose, repair, and test the system in the event of failure. Onsite labor will be charged at current


APC 1 Year NBD 1P Advantage Plan with (1) Preventive Maintenance Visit for Smart-UPS 20K

1 Year NBD 1P Advantage Plan with 1 Preventive Maintenance Visit for Smart-UPS 20K Obecné vlastnosti Zkušený certifikovaný terénní servisní pracovník Naši terénní servisní pracovníci jsou důkladně vyškoleni v oblasti všeobecně uznávaných bezpečnýc


APC 1 Year NBD 1P Advantage Plan with (1) Preventive Maintenance Visit for Smart-UPS 8K-10K

The Advantage Plus Service provides Schneider Electric CPCS certified technicians at the customer’s location within a specified period of time to diagnose, repair, and test the system in the event of failure. Onsite labor will be charged at current


APC 1 Year NBD 1P Advantage Plan with (1) Preventive Maintenance Visit for Symmetra

Advantage Plan for Single Phase Product + Preventive Maintenance (Zvýhodněný plán pro jednofázové výrobky + preventivní prohlídka): Tato služba je stejná jako Advantage Plan for Single Phase Product a navíc zahrnuje služby preventivní údržby 5x8 (v praco...








Označené produkty

Označené produkty:




Vysvetlivky: Na ceste

Farby: Čierna = V cenníku; Modrá = Novinka; Oranžová = Výpredaj sklad.zásob; Červená = Akciový produkt; Zelená = Znížená cena; Fialová = Veľmi dôležitý produkt; Šedá = Dopredaj (koniec výroby); Zelená = Volať PM; Tyrkysová = Obmedzená dostupnosť; Oranžová = Mimoriadny výpredaj; Tmavorůžově = Cena do vypredania; Modrozeleně = Cena na dotaz; černá = R.I.P.; Zelená = Ukončená výroba; Zelená = Repas; = Promo special ;


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