APC 1 Year On-Site Warranty Extension for (1) Galaxy 3500 or SUVT 30 kVA UPS

PODĽA KATEGÓRIE: Záložné zdroje (UPS) a prepäťové ochrany / Príslušenstvo k záložným zdrojom / Servisné služby a predĺženie záruky
PODĽA VÝROBCU: APC / APC Global Services / 1 year On-Site Warranty Extension
Status V cenníku   
Kód: 305176  
Part No.: WOE1YR-G3-23  
EAN Kód:  

APC , www

Váš obchodník: Prosím, priháste sa!  
Produkt manager: Prosím, priháste sa!
Záruka pre firmy: 12 mesiacov
Záruka pre fyz. os.: 12 mesiacov
Riešenie reklamácií Podrobnosti nájdete tu.
Dostupnosť produktu  Zistiť fyzický stav skladu
1 Year On-Site Warranty Extension for (1) Galaxy 3500 or SUVT 30 kVA UPS The On-Site Warranty Extension extends the standard factory warranty coverage of the UPS and/or PDU. In addition to on-site remedial repairs covered during the factory warrant


Názov Hodnota
GPSR:  Schneider Electric Slovakia spol s.r.o.;Karadžičova 16,821 08,Bratislava,Slovensko;sk.schneider@schneider-electric.com

Podrobnosti o produkte

APC 1 Year On-Site Warranty Extension for (1) Galaxy 3500 or SUVT 30 kVA UPS

Popis produktu:

1 Year On-Site Warranty Extension for (1) Galaxy 3500 or SUVT 30 kVA UPS

The On-Site Warranty Extension extends the standard factory warranty coverage of the UPS and/or PDU. In addition to on-site remedial repairs covered during the factory warranty period, the On-Site Warranty Extension includes one Inspection Visit during the agreement year. This service provides a seamless extension of the factory warranty by one or two years depending on the customer’s preference and geographic availability. This service can only be purchased concurrently with the sale of the UPS or PDU.

On-Site Remedial Repairs
Schneider Electric Critical Power and Cooling Services (CPCS) will dispatch certified personnel to provide repairs in the event of a problem. All parts, travel and labor are included.
The standard response time is Next Business Day
Inspection Visit
Included with the Onsite Warranty Extension, the Inspection Visit provides an external equipment inspection in addition to system status and measurement reporting. The Inspection Visit is available during normal business hours.

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Reklamácia sa nahlasuje zaslaním mailu na adresu: podpora@apc.com Formát mailu: Chcel(a) by som nahlasit reklamaciu 1ks Produkt: SN: PN: Vada: Adresa zvozu: Zákazník obdrží novy kus výrobku a následné odošle svoj vadný kus. Dopravu oboma smermi zabezpečí kurierská služba bezplatne. Všetky otázky možno položiť cez telefónne číslo: v Slovenskej republike 245 524 010 Doprava UPS v záruke je zadarmo! 


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